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Rosa's Very Own Personal Revolution

Paru le 1 septembre 2022
Rosa's Very Own Personal Revolution
Maison d'édition
Rosa Ost grows up in Notre-Dame-du-Cachalot, a tiny vil­lage at the end of the world, where two indus­tries are king: paper and Bore­dom. The only daugh­ter of Terese Ost (a fair-to-mid­dling trade union­ist and a first-rate Scrab­ble play­er), the fate that befalls Rosa is the focus of this tale of long jour­neys and longer lives, of impos­si­ble deaths, unwa­ver­ing prophe­cies, and unset­tling dreams as she leaves her vil­lage for Mon­tre­al on a quest to sum­mon the west­er­ly wind that has proved so vital to the local econ­o­my. From vil­lage gos­sips, tealeaf-read­ing exot­ic dancers, and Aca­di­an red her­rings to sooth­say­ing win­kles and cen­turies-old curs­es, Rosa’s Very Own Per­son­al Rev­o­lu­tion is a delight­ful, bound­ary-push­ing sto­ry about sto­ries and the sto­ry­tellers who make them — and a reminder that rev­o­lu­tions in Que­bec aren’t always quiet.
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