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Room for One More

Paru le 1 octobre 2019
Room for One More
Maison d'édition
Prix 11.99$
For twelve-year-old Roset­ta Wolf­son, the war in Europe seems very far off from her home in Cana­da. Then Mr. Schwartzberg comes to tea and asks Roset­ta’s par­ents if they will take in a young war refugee. Isaac joins the fam­i­ly and becomes a ready-made broth­er to Roset­ta and her two sis­ters. Isaac’s arrival brings change. Her best friend’s hand­some broth­er does­n’t seem as attrac­tive after he reveals him­self as anti-Semit­ic, and Roset­ta begins to sus­pect her friend may agree with him. As Roset­ta and Isaac become friends and he shares his sto­ry with her, she helps him learn the fate of oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers and helps him shape a promis­ing future in his new country.
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