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Rabat Serenity and Splendor

Paru le 1 janvier 2020
Rabat Serenity and Splendor
Maison d'édition
Prix 50.00$
Rabat, the inhab­it­ed city since pre­his­toric times, has inher­it­ed many thou­sand years of his­to­ry. It drew and draws its strength from its geo­graph­i­cal loca­tion on the Atlantic coast, at the Boure­greg riv­er mouth. Land of exchange and shar­ing, where dif­fer­ent civ­i­liza­tions, Phoeni­cian, Moors, Roman, Andalu­sian, Islam­ic and Euro­pean, have left both tan­gi­ble and intan­gi­ble marks. So many out­stand­ing val­ues, that allowed Rabat to be inscribed on the World Her­itage List. A her­itage city par excel­lence, Rabat boasts an impres­sive cul­tur­al her­itage, with its his­tor­i­cal val­ue, its splen­dor and its great resis­tance to the vagaries of time. Its pres­ti­gious sites and mon­u­ments, achieve­ments of great builders, who have gov­erned the city through­out time, bear wit­ness to that. Cap­i­tal of the Almo­hades, in the XIIth Cen­tu­ry, they who endowed it with its majes­tic ram­parts, its mon­u­men­tal gate­ways, its unri­valled Has­san Tow­er and its prince­ly res­i­dence, the Qas­ba of the Oudayas. The Merinides who have aban­doned it for the city of Fez, chose it, nonethe­less, to be their eter­nal res­i­dence in the Roy­al necrop­o­lis locat­ed in the Chel­lah ancient site. In the XVI­Ith Cen­tu­ry, Rabat became, with the arrival of the Moor refugees from Spain, the cap­i­tal of the Boure­greg Repub­lic, the home of a pros­per­ous mar­itime pira­cy which was cre­at­ing a cli­mate of ter­ror even among the great pow­ers of that time. Since ear­ly XXth Cen­tu­ry, dur­ing the time of the french pro­tec­torate, Rabat has, once and for all, regained its sta­tus as the polit­i­cal and admin­is­tra­tive cap­i­tal of Moroc­co. «Rabat, Splen­dor and Seren­i­ty» is a book that aims to shed light on the secrets and mys­ter­ies of this City of Lights, today, emerges as both Moroc­can and African Cap­i­tal of Culture.
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