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Insatiable Hunger

Paru le 26 novembre 2021
Insatiable Hunger
Maison d'édition
Prix 25.00$
The six­teenth-cen­tu­ry Euro­pean wars of reli­gion set the stage for mass migra­tion to the New World. Of course, there was noth­ing new about the New World to Indige­nous peo­ples who had lived there for mil­len­nia. Insa­tiable Hunger com­pares Euro­pean his­tor­i­cal accounts and Indige­nous sto­ries of con­tact to illus­trate the wide cul­tur­al chasm that sep­a­rat­ed the two civ­i­liza­tions. Joseph Gra­ham tells a sto­ry of reli­gious­ly obsessed Euro­peans pour­ing onto the con­ti­nent and con­sum­ing every­thing in their path and the attempts Indige­nous peo­ples made to rea­son with the hun­gry new­com­ers. Trac­ing events from Jacques Cartier’s first vis­its in the six­teenth cen­tu­ry to the War of 1812, Insa­tiable Hunger attempts to under­stand the root caus­es of the mutu­al incom­pre­hen­sion baked into these two civ­i­liza­tions’ world­views. As descen­dants of Euro­pean set­tlers in Cana­da and the Unit­ed States con­front the lega­cy of colo­nial­ism and geno­cide of Indige­nous peo­ples, Insa­tiable Hunger will be an impor­tant primer on the world­views at the root of this vio­lent polit­i­cal project.
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