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Heart of Goodness / Du Coeur À L'âme

Paru le 1 octobre 2020
Heart of Goodness / Du Coeur À L'âme
Maison d'édition
Prix 20.00$
In this series of poems, Car­olyne Van Der Meer enters imag­i­na­tive­ly into the mind and heart of Mar­guerite Bour­geoys to explore what some of her feel­ings might have been at key moments in her life, and also in her respons­es to the dai­ly lives of those around her. The poet helps us to share not only the pos­i­tive and hope­ful moments of Marguerite?s life but also the ques­tion­ing, the search­ing, the won­der­ing, the dis­ap­point­ments and the effort to find the courage to face all of these.
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