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Semareh Al Hillal

Semareh Al Hillal
Semareh Al-Hillal is the pres­i­dent of House of Anan­si Press and Ground­wood Books. Her pri­or roles include pub­lish­er at Ground­wood Books, asso­ciate pub­lish­er and man­ag­ing edi­tor at Kids Can Press, as well as roles in edu­ca­tion­al pub­lish­ing. She has served on the board of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Cana­di­an Pub­lish­ers and is cur­rent­ly pres­i­dent of the board of Livres Cana­da Books and a board mem­ber of the Pub­lic Lend­ing Right of Canada.
Semareh Al Hillal
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